Inspired by the legendary lawman’s daring deeds in France in the late 1970s and early 1980s, Freedom follows the electrifying story of Bruno Sulak (Lucas Bravo), a bold and daring criminal who stole hearts for riches. Known for his charm and subtlety, Sulak planned daring robberies without firing a single shot. But as his notoriety grew, so did the relentless pursuit of George Moréas (Yvan Attal), a tough police commander with a knack for outwitting criminals. As Moréas approaches, Sulak’s prison escapes become legendary, fueled by a longing for freedom and a burning desire for his lover Annie (Léa Luce Busato). Amidst the chaos of their criminal pursuits, Sulak and Annie become the ultimate symbols of defiance in the most fascinating cat-and-mouse game ever to hit the nation.